Timetables and Deadlines
Important Dates
- Paper submission: extended to September 5, 2007
- Submission date for Hons/Ugrad students: Sept 17, 2007 (see below)
- Notification of acceptance: now Monday October 8, 2007
- Camera-ready copy: now Monday October 22, 2007
- Workshop: December 10-11, 2007
*** We have instituted a later submission deadline for papers with
**first-named** authors that are current Honours or Undergraduate
students. If you qualify for this condition and plan to submit to
this deadline then you must register an "Intention to Submit" with
the workshop chairs by the normal submission due date (Sept 3).
Send an email to the organisers (workshop AT alta DOT asn DOT au)
with title, authors, and abstract.
For any comments or questions about the workshop please contact the
organizers (workshop AT alta DOT asn DOT au).