Australasian Language Technology Association

Latest ALTA News

ALTA 2024 Workshop

The 2024 Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop (ALTA 2024) will be held from the 2nd-4th of December, 2024, in Canberra.

ALTA 2024 Shared Task

The ALTA 2024 Shared Task is now open for participation. Submit your runs by 6 October!

ALTA 2023-2024 Election

Following the latest election, we are pleased to announce the positions for the executive committee:

  • Massimo Piccardi (president), University of Technology Sydney
  • Maria Kim (secretary, outgoing president), Defence Science and Technology Group
  • Meladel Mistica (treasurer), University of Melbourne
  • Diego Molla-Aliod (regular member), Macquarie University
  • Gabriela Ferraro (regular member), Australian National University
  • Jey Han Lau (regular member), University of Melbourne
  • Rui Xing (student representative), University of Melbourne

The Role of Research in Language Technology

The cutting-edge nature of Language Technology means that research is particularly important: there are many unsolved problems in the automated processing of spoken and written language, and in many cases we have only begun to scratch the surface. Research in Language Technology, which for our purposes covers a space that also includes Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics, draws on work in a diverse array of disciplines, including linguistics, psychology, philosophy and computer science, and now, with the increasing role played by statistical methods, also mathematics.

Research Activity in Australasia

Given the wide range of contributing disciplines, research in Language Technology in Australia and New Zealand is carried out in many different contexts. The listing below provides pointers to clusters of activity that involve more than one or two individual researchers.

Quick links

For any comments or questions about these pages please contact the ALTA secretary.

Copyright 2003-2024 ALTA. Last updated: 12 Aug 2024