Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice of the Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology WorkshopThe main goal of the ALTA workshop is to serve as a forum for Australian and New Zealander people actively participating in Language Technology activities or simply interested in them. The Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop (henceforth the Proceedings) are registered at the National Library of Australia with the ISSN 1834-7037. Peer Review Process: All papers published in the Proceedings are peer-reviewed as detailed in the preface of each respective Proceedings volume. Sections of the individual Proceedings volumes containing non-peer reviewed papers are clearly indicated in their preface. Ownership and Management: The Proceedings are owned and managed by the Australasian Language Technology Association (ALTA). Governing Body: ALTA operates according to the ALTA Constitution. The ALTA Executive Committee is detailed in Editorial Team: The editorial team of each individual Proceedings is listed in its preface. Copyright and Licensing: All materials published in the Proceedings are licensed using the Creative Commons 4.0 BY license. Author Fees: Any fees or charges that are required for manuscript processing and publishing, if applicable, are indicated in the Call for Papers associated to each Proceedings. Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of Research Misconduct: Allegations should be sent to the current ALTA president, except that if the allegations concern the ALTA president, the allegations may be sent to any of the other members of the ALTA Executive Committee. The names of the current ALTA president and other executive members are listed in To handle an allegation or discovery of misconduct, ALTA follows the Committee on Publishing Ethics's (COPE) guidelines listed below. According to these guidelines, a determination of misconduct may result in ALTA contacting the author institutions, funding agencies, and/or potential victims. Plagiarism or redundant (duplicate) publication:
Research Fraud:
Reviewer or editor misconduct during the review process:
Other ethical problems:
Publication Ethics: ALTA adopts the following ACL policies: Publishing Schedule: The Proceedings will be published annually. Access and Archiving: The Proceedings are available at no cost in digital form at and at the ACL Anthology. Revenue Sources and Advertising: The revenue sources and advertising policy of the Proceedings are detailed in each individual volume. Direct Marketing: Solicitation of manuscripts for each Proceedings will be conducted via dissemination of Calls for Papers in the ALTA mailing list and other mailing lists and social media related to Language Technology. [1] Although the title of the guidelines suggests that they address only the particular problem of appropriation, the procedures apply more broadly. |