ALTA logo Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2013
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Invited Talks
Instructions for Authors
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Accepted Papers
Location and travel
ALTA past workshops

Conference Location: Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Workshop location

ALTA 2013 will be held in Brisbane. Learn more about Brisbane here.

The workshop will be held at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, specifically QUT's Gardens Point campus in the new Science and Engineering Centre (P block). The Gardens Point campus is located on the Brisbane River in the city centre, next to the Botanic Gardens and Parliament House.

Getting there

There are a number of public transport options to reach the Gardens Point campus, including buses, ferries and trains. There is limited parking available on campus and visitors are encouraged to investigate options and costs before arrival. The venue can also be accessed via the Goodwill Bridge, a pedestrian and cyclist bridge linking South Bank, Queensland Museum and Gallery of Modern Art to the campus.

Gardens Point campus map

Conference Dinner

Conference dinner (5th December) will be held together with ADCS at Plough Inn, South Bank. It is 10-15 minutes walk from QUT, and approximately 20 minutes from Royal on the Park.



© ALTA 2013. Workshop Organisers.